Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thanks God It's Wednesday!
Because Wednesday is my free day!
and I only have 2 hours of lecture on Thursday!
Friday is going to be along day, especially tutorial classes have already started.
But I am looking forward to Friday, because of Saturday and Sunday!

Here is my academic schedule.

Monday - 10am-6pm
Tuesday - 10am-9pm (OMG! Because of CCA!)
Wednesday - Free Day!
Thursday - 4pm-6pm
Friday - 10am-6pm

Actually, I only have 4 days of school, don't know why do I have so little time for myself despite the slack schedule.

As some of you may know, I am majoring in Physics.
Something that I don't really know well enough.
Something that I am interested in, but not exactly passionate about.
Actually, if you know me well enough, I am not passionate about anything at all.

I was told to change major but at least half a dozen seniors even before we officially declare our majors. and I was told by another half a dozen seniors to change major in the next semester to mathematics after we declare our major.

Have to admit that Physics is not exactly the easiest field to major in.
Found myself lost in all the alien information the lecturers provide during lectures.
Like for the Freshmen Seminar, I am totally lost as to what is being discussed during the Seminar. Like OMG! Alien language.
Magnetic Monopole?! Faraday's Cage?!

Oh and the lab session was a huge joke.
Raeger is my lab partner.. lol, and you can imagine what happen during lab.
We have freaking no idea what we are suppose to do during lab.
Stefan-Boltzman's Law?
What are we suppose to prove?!
Basically we just performed the experiement without understanding the concepts behind.
I always thought university level lab sessions are very serious and professional, but we were like 2 blur sotongs, joking during lab.
and oh, we completed the lab super quickly.
Like so pro right?
because we din't follow the proper experiment procedures, we invented our own procedures.. LOL!

I am hoping that Friday will be a nice day =D

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