Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I looked around me while traveling in the morning peak hour train in the morning,
office personnels dressed in their office attire,
slumping in the small mrt seat with their brief case on their laps.
Some were playing with their phone, others have their eyes closed, desperately trying to catch that 10 more minutes of nap before a whole day of never ending work starts.

Makes me wonder if i am going to be like one of them in the near future.
Waking up at like 7 am in the morning,
rush through my breakfast and shower,
grab my brief case,
rush to the mrt,
sleep in the mrt,
sleep while standing in the mrt,
sleep and snore while standing in the mrt,
sleep snore and drool while standing in the mrt.
Oh! here's my station.
Alight, rush to the office.
phew! 7:59:59am!
Just made it!
Boot the office comp.
Open mircrosoft outlook.
Damn! 100 New Emails.
Read emails.
Reply emails.
x100 times.
do some work,
do more work,
do lots of work.
How come only 9am?!
Seconds past like hours, and finally... finally.. its lunch! ... lunch only..
Eat the same old thing at the same old foodcourt with the same old people.
Start work after lunch.
Check email again.
100x new email.
first email : from Boss: come see me in my office.
what happen.
did i screw up.
went to boss office.
yes i screw up again.
now he's screwing me.
screw screw screw screw.. screw x100.
I just stand there "lalalalalalala~" (in my mind of course)
finish screwing.
back to my desk.
why got one whole stack of files on my desk that reads "urgent, by today"
nah beh, it's 1 weeks work of work to be completed in half a day.
kpkb kpkb
curse swear curse swear!
do do do do do..
5pm?! I wanna go home de leh!
do do do do do..
5:50 pm liao haven finish!
eh.. heck la.
spend the last 10mins pack my stuff.. lalalalalala~
wait for time to past.
5:59:57.. 5:59:58.. 5:59:59.. oh oh oh.. 6:00:00!
first one to chiong out of office.
to the mrt.
come on i wanna find a seat!
go in mrt.. knn no seat..zzz..
sleep in the mrt,
sleep while standing in the mrt,
sleep and snore while standing in the mrt,
sleep snore and drool while standing in the mrt.
oh!! my station.
get dinner
go home
eat dinner
watch tv, play comp,
ignore colleagues sms on why the freaking work isnt done.
ignore colleagues phone call.
ignore colleagues email.
ignore colleagues facebook wall post on "why isnt the work done."
oh 12 am.
sleep. and ready to repeat this damn day 5 x a week, for 52 weeks a year and for god know how many years.

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